Spray Can Maintenance And Storage Tips

Spray cans are versatile tools used for various applications, including painting, lubrication, and cleaning. To ensure their optimal performance and longevity, proper maintenance and storage techniques are essential. In this article, we will explore some valuable tips for spray can maintenance and storage that will help you get the most out of your aerosol products.

Maintaining and storing spray cans properly is crucial for several reasons.

  • Firstly, it ensures that the cans dispense their contents smoothly and evenly, avoiding any interruptions or inconsistencies during application.
  • Secondly, proper maintenance and storage can prevent potential accidents, such as leaks or explosions, which may occur if cans are mishandled or stored inappropriately.
  • Lastly, practicing good maintenance and storage habits can extend the shelf life of your spray cans, saving you money in the long run.

Let’s dive into the details of how to effectively maintain and store your spray cans.

Cleaning and Maintenance

A. Cleaning the nozzle and valve

One of the common issues with spray cans is clogged nozzles. To prevent this, it is essential to clean the nozzle and valve after each use. After spraying, turn the can upside down and press the nozzle until only propellant gas comes out. This clears any leftover paint or product from the nozzle, preventing it from hardening and clogging the next time you use it.

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B. Clearing clogged nozzles

If the nozzle does become clogged, there are a few methods you can try to clear it. One method is to remove the nozzle and soak it in a solvent, such as mineral spirits or paint thinner, to dissolve any dried residue. Alternatively, you can use a thin wire or pin to clear the clog gently. Remember to wear protective gloves and eyewear when handling solvents.

Spray can maintenance and storage tips
Image Source: Pinterest

C. Checking for leaks

Before using a spray can, it’s important to check for any leaks. Inspect the can for any signs of damage or corrosion, which can lead to leaks. Additionally, shaking the can lightly can help you identify any unusual sounds, indicating a potential leak. If you notice any leaks, do not use the can and dispose of it properly.

D. Storing cans upright

When not in use, store your spray cans upright. Storing them upside down or on their sides can cause the propellant and product to mix, leading to inconsistent spraying and potential blockages. Keeping them upright also helps prevent accidental discharge and keeps the nozzles clean.

Proper Storage Techniques

A. Temperature considerations

Temperature plays a crucial role in the performance and lifespan of spray cans. Extreme heat can cause the pressure inside the can to rise, potentially leading to leaks or explosions.

On the other hand, freezing temperatures can cause the contents to solidify or separate, rendering the spray can unusable. Therefore, it is important to store spray cans in a temperature-controlled environment.

B. Avoiding direct sunlight

Exposure to direct sunlight can also negatively affect spray cans. UV rays can degrade the can’s material and the product inside, leading to reduced effectiveness and potential leakage. Store your spray cans in a cool, shaded area away from direct sunlight to maintain their quality.

Proper Storage Techniques
Image Credit: Better Homes And Gardens

C. Preventing freezing

Freezing temperatures can cause the contents of spray cans to expand and potentially rupture the can. To prevent this, avoid storing spray cans in areas prone to freezing, such as unheated garages or sheds during winter months. If necessary, move them to a temperature-controlled space or consider insulating them with suitable materials.

D. Organizing and labeling

Proper organization and labeling of your spray cans can save you time and effort when searching for a specific product. Consider using a designated storage area or shelf for your spray cans, arranging them based on their intended use or product type. Additionally, label each can with its contents and date of purchase to ensure you use them in a timely manner.

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Safety Precautions

A. Proper ventilation

When using spray cans, ensure proper ventilation in the area. The fumes emitted from aerosol products can be harmful if inhaled in large quantities. Open windows or work in well-ventilated spaces to minimize exposure and maintain air quality.

B. Handling flammable materials

Some spray cans contain flammable materials, such as paints or solvents. It is crucial to handle these cans with care and follow safety guidelines. Keep them away from open flames, sparks, or sources of heat that could potentially ignite the contents. Always read and adhere to the safety instructions provided on the can’s label.

C. Storing away from heat sources

To prevent accidental fires or explosions, store your spray cans away from heat sources. Avoid placing them near stoves, heaters, or electrical equipment that generate heat. Heat can increase the pressure inside the can, leading to leaks or ruptures.

Extending Shelf Life

A. Using fresh paint cans

To ensure the best results, use fresh paint cans whenever possible. Over time, paint can thicken or develop clumps, making it challenging to achieve a smooth finish. By using recently purchased cans, you can avoid these issues and ensure optimal paint performance.

B. Closing the lids tightly

After each use, make sure to close the lids of your spray cans tightly. This prevents air and moisture from entering the can, which can cause the product to deteriorate or solidify. A secure lid also minimizes the risk of accidental discharge or leaks.

C. Storing in a cool, dry place

To extend the shelf life of your spray cans, store them in a cool and dry environment. High humidity levels can affect the quality of the product, leading to clumping or separation. Additionally, moisture can cause rusting or corrosion on the car’s exterior, compromising its integrity.

Recycling and Disposal

A. Checking local regulations

When disposing of empty or partially used spray cans, it is important to follow local regulations. Different regions may have specific guidelines for aerosol can disposal due to their pressurized contents. Check with your local waste management authorities to determine the proper disposal methods and recycling options available in your area.

B. Emptying cans properly

Before disposing of spray cans, empty them completely to minimize environmental impact. Use up the remaining contents in a well-ventilated area or spray them onto appropriate surfaces. Ensure proper handling and disposal of any leftover materials or empty cans.

C. Recycling options

Many spray cans are recyclable, and recycling them is an eco-friendly choice. Check if your local recycling facilities accept aerosol cans. If they do, make sure to remove the plastic cap and check if the can need to be empty or partially empty before recycling. Follow the guidelines provided by your local recycling facility for proper disposal.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I reuse a clogged nozzle?

It is generally recommended to replace a clogged nozzle rather than trying to reuse it. Nozzles can become damaged or ineffective if not cleaned properly.

Are all spray cans flammable?

No, not all spray cans are flammable. However, it is important to check the label and follow the safety instructions provided by the manufacturer for each specific product.

Can I store spray cans in my basement?

If your basement is temperature-controlled and well-ventilated, it can be a suitable storage location for spray cans. Ensure that the temperature and humidity levels are within the recommended range.

Is it safe to store spray cans in a car?

Storing spray cans in a car can be risky due to temperature fluctuations, especially in extreme heat or cold. It is best to avoid leaving them in the car for prolonged periods.

Can I recycle spray cans with the plastic cap on?

In most cases, it is recommended to remove the plastic cap before recycling spray cans. Check with your local recycling facility for specific instructions on recycling aerosol cans.


Proper maintenance and storage of spray cans are essential for their optimal performance, longevity, and safety. By following these tips, you can ensure consistent spraying, prevent accidents, extend shelf life, and contribute to a cleaner environment through responsible disposal.

Take the time to clean the nozzles, store cans upright, consider temperature and sunlight exposure, and prioritize safety precautions. By incorporating these practices into your spray can maintenance routine, you can enjoy efficient and effective results with your aerosol products.

Author at Easy Spray Paint | Website | + posts

Jane Ansems is a highly talented and accomplished spray can artist, known for her intricate, detailed, and thought-provoking works of art. She began her career as a street artist in the early 2010s, quickly gaining recognition for her unique and innovative style.

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